About Pawar health

We believe in providing quality services.

We offer health care services to clients in Private Homes, Long Term Care, Retirement Facilities, Hospital and Businesses.

We recruit and employ a variety of specialized staff all over Canada. We believe in providing best care facilities to people and make their life better. Our staff are available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week to provide the most timely and efficient service possible.

Contact us today, if you are looking for services or career.

We help both employers and employees by getting them best.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide the best health care Services.

We are always looking for professionals that are skilled and have dedication to provide quality services. We believe in providing the best workforce for our clients. We have been providing health care workers for over 40 years in India and are mission is to expand and provide services in Canada.

Our Joining Process

Hope. Health. Happiness

Our recruitment steps are simple and just one click away. Just send us your resume and get a call back from us.

Send us your resume directly at

Give us a call if you have trouble using computer.


We receive candidate's resume and contact them for various job opportunities.


Based on the profile interview is setup and results are sent at the earliest.


After a successful interview, candidate is appointed and hired immediately.

Your First step to be Health Care Worker starts Here.

Trust Pawar Health one of the most experience and Genuine Healthcare recruitment agency to start Your Career. Send us your resume and we will contact you at the earliest.
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Successful Recruitments

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Active Joining

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Years Experience

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    (519) 209-7329

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